Registration Information

Please note:  If you have been provided a discount code, please have it ready to submit when prompted in the Registration Form below.  All prices do not include fees + taxes.


Regular Full Access Conference



Includes: 2 days of Smart Energy | Halifax Conference sessions, 2 breakfasts, 2 luncheons, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.



Regular Rate - Smart Energy Event + Hydrogen Halifax
(April 14, 15, 16) 

Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 days of Smart Energy Event, 4 breakfasts, 3 luncheons, 2 Evening Socials on April 14 & 15, and access to Exhibition.

Onsite Full Access Conference

(beginning April 14)


Includes: 1.5 days of Hydrogen Halifax sessions, 2 breakfasts, 1 luncheon, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.


Student Full Access Conference


Includes: Includes: 2 days of Smart Energy | Halifax Conference sessions, 2 breakfasts, 2 luncheons, 1 Evening Social on April 15, and access to Exhibition.

 Please email for details. Evidence of student credentials and identification required.

Register Here